A friend of mine in Australia has brought out a brand new product on goal setting for kids. Winsome Coutts over at
4lifehappykids.com has brought together a team of mothers, grandmothers, schoolteachers, curriculum writers, and experts in self-help, visualization and goal setting to create a set of beautifully illustrated, downloadable books that will teach your child the secrets they need to know to fulfil their dreams and be happy and successful all their lives.

Winsome has created the books because she believes:
• Kids learn when they’re having fun. They hardly know they are learning when they are enjoying themselves.
• We can teach them when we have the tools and a plan.
• We can encourage our kids to create their own goals, and NOT impose our ideas on them.
• Happy children with high self-esteem and confidence look to the future with intention and clarity.
Winsome’s package includes two downloadable, colorful books (one for smaller children and one for older kids) as well as a downloadable, detailed parents’ guide. Your child can learn the techniques of self-actualization that have inspired the wisest and most successful people down through the centuries. Find out more about these unique e-books