Friday, December 21, 2007
New Year Crafts for Kids

Thursday, December 20, 2007
Kwanzaa for Kids!

This kinara craft is just one of the new Kwanzaa crafts for children you will find!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Christmas Crafts for Kids - lots new!

Three Is A Magic Number (Schoolhouse Rock)
NB: Please do not let your children browse video sharing sites unsupervised.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Happy New Year 2008 coloring pages

We have just added some new New Year coloring pages to the website for 2008. Perfect to keep the kids busy in the long wait for midnight!
Monday, December 3, 2007
Little Christmas Tree Decoration - video from Activity Village
NB: Please do not let your children explore online video sharing websites without supervision!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
St Andrew's Day Crafts

Printable Bookmarks for Christmas

Christmas bookmarks
Advent Crafts - make your own advent calendars this year!

Advent Chest

Advent Train
Advent Paper Chain
Monday, November 26, 2007
Printable Christmas Cards - gorgeous!

Christmas Cards to Print and Color

Printable Christmas Cards to Color
Christmas Coloring Pages
Christmas Coloring Pages
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Hanukkah for Kids
Hanukkah crafts - a brilliant collection of crafts from Sarah and Jack, including this fantastic Menorah banner
Hanukkah coloring pages
Hanukkah printables - writing paper for all ages and some printable crafts
Hanukkah cards to print and color
Hanukkah puzzles
Hanukkah links - other fun Hanukkah activities to enjoy with your children from around the web.
Food Coloring Pages
Food coloring pages
Printable Lined Paper - all sorts!
Printable Lined Paper
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Happy Thanksgiving! New Thanksgiving printables...
Friday, November 16, 2007
Circle of Smiles - watch with the kids..
NB: Please do not let your kids browse online video sites unsupervised!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
More Thanksgiving Crafts!
Thanksgiving Crafts
Thanksgiving Printables and Coloring Pages

Thanksgiving coloring pages

Thanksgiving printables
Saturday, November 10, 2007
New transport-themed coloring pages added
Transport-themed coloring pages
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Scarecrow puppet and more autumn crafts
Autumn Crafts for Kids
Monday, November 5, 2007
Origami Elephant - Video
Watch Tilly demonstrating our latest Origami for Kids - this cute Origami elephant!
Printable instructions are available here :
Origami Booklet - Video
Printable instructions for this Origami Booklet are here:
Origami booklet
More Origami for Kids
St Andrew's Day Fun For Kids
Bonfire Night Fun, including some great new crafts!
Bonfire Night at Activity Village
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Halloween Crafts for Kids - more added!
Halloween Crafts for Kids
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Halloween Origami - video of Halloween cat and broomstick
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Halloween Origami - mummies, witch's cats and broomsticks!

Halloween origami
Marshmallow Ghosts and Ghouls - a fun snack for Halloween
Marshmallow Ghosts and Ghouls
Fall crafts - have a printing and painting session!

Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids

Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Online fun with this newspaper page generator

Your children will have fun with this online generator: simply type in your own date, heading and words and click "generate" to product a newspaper graphic like this one. The possibilities are endless! Perhaps you could use it for school projects, invitations, birth announcements, congratulatory messages, birthday cards...
Online newspaper generator
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Halloween Lunch Box Notes - 16 to print and enjoy!

Monday, October 8, 2007
Make A Cat Mask - for Halloween or anytime

Friday, October 5, 2007
Fun printable toys from a Japanese site..
Printable toys
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
Cute hedgehog craft

Painted candle craft - messy but effective fun for kids!

Tea Light Holder craft - quick and easy, but a great gift that kids can make!

Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, and some new craft ideas

Simple diya craft
The Potato Story - (educational) fun for kids!

Targeted to Key Learning Stage 2 (7-11 years of age), The Potato story includes lesson plans, interactive games and quizzes and teachers’ notes offering guidance and suggestions for classroom activities based around each module’s theme. Along with recipes to try in the classroom or at home, children can learn through the characters Cheeky Ladybird, Bossy Butterfly, Lazy Caterpillar, Busy Bee and Jolly Hen.
In addition to the website, The Potato Story will also be accompanied by a re-designed London route master bus which will support the launch of the in-classroom teaching resource by visiting schools to add an experiential element to the programme.

The idea for The Potato Story came from research commissioned by the British Heart Foundation which found that one in three children didn’t know that chips were made from potatoes! There will be no excuse for that now!
The Potato Story
The Potato Story - (educational) fun for kids!

Targeted to Key Learning Stage 2 (7-11 years of age), The Potato story includes lesson plans, interactive games and quizzes and teachers’ notes offering guidance and suggestions for classroom activities based around each module’s theme. Along with recipes to try in the classroom or at home, children can learn through the characters Cheeky Ladybird, Bossy Butterfly, Lazy Caterpillar, Busy Bee and Jolly Hen.

The Potato Story supports the Year of Food and Farming (http://www.yearoffoodandfarming.org.uk/), a government initiative aimed to get children interested in all aspects of the countryside, farming and food.
The idea for The Potato Story came from research commissioned by the British Heart Foundation which found that one in three children didn’t know that chips were made from potatoes! There will be no excuse for that now!

Halloween Links updated - a HUGE collection of fun Halloween ideas!
Halloween Links
Friday, September 28, 2007
Halloween Project - Home-made tombstones!
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Littlest Pet Shop - games, printables and ecard fun
If you want still more Littlest Pet Shop coloring pages, have a look at our Coloring Page Database listing.
Littlest Pet Shop coloring pages
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Parenting Lessons Learned From a Piece of Pink Cake
Yesterday was a definite eye opening day. It was the first day back from summer of a mother’s group I attend at church. You could sense the excitement in the air of catching up with old friends and meeting new ones. Then it hit me, this would be the first year I would be attending without my oldest daughter. For five years, we had attended together. There would be no more chasing my daughter up the lobby stairs to catch her before she independently went to her classroom. There would be no more midday surprise lunches after my group, or meeting up with friends at the park afterwards. It had all been replaced with growing up and pre-kindergarten.
So I did what any other self respecting and grief stricken mother would do...
Read the rest of "Parenting Lessons Learned From a Piece of Pink Cake"
Dice Games for Kids
We have just added 15 brilliant dice games for younger children to the website (previously only available as a purchasable download). Many are printable and most are educational - although the children will be having so much fun with them that they won't realise! These first 15 games are aimed at younger children (although many are adaptable for older kids); we have more games for older age groups coming soon.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
A Most Important Word
There have been countless debates about how to help your kids become happy, healthy, successful people in their own lives. And one effective method of preparing them for their own lives is to give them a heavy dose of the word that not enough kids are getting today.
The word?
Blackberry picking and recipes!
I'm not sure about the rest of the world, but blackberries are out now in our region of the UK, and there are buckets and buckets of them within a few minutes walk of our house. There is something so satisfying about taking the kids out for a walk and coming back with overflowing containers of delicious, free blackberries, and then piling into the kitchen together to make something yummy with them.
Here are some blackberry recipes to get you started:
Fresh blackberry lemonade
The blackberries make this lemonade unusual and special.
Blackberry smoothie
Delicious, quick and wholesome - great for a snack or a quick breakfast.
Berry Brulee
This isn't a true brulee recipe, but a quick version which is still delicious and probably more popular with children.
Apple and Blackberry Crumble
As the evenings begin to draw in, take comfort in the smell of this crumble cooking in the oven! Serve with cream or vanilla ice-cream. You can also make up extra of the crumble mixture and store it in the freezer, ready for an almost instant pudding next time!
Blackberry Whip
This is a wickedly good desert! You can obviously vary the berries according to what you have in the fridge.
And here is a Blackberry colouring page too, in case the kids want something to do while you are busy in the kitchen preparing something special...
Hand Gestures Dramatically Improve Learning..
In today's issue of the journal Cognition, a University of Rochester scientist suggests it's possible to help children learn difficult concepts by providing gestures as an additional and potent avenue for taking in information.
"We've known for a while that we use gestures to add information to a conversation even when we're not entirely clear how that information relates to what we're saying," says Susan Wagner Cook, lead author and postdoctoral fellow at the University. "We asked if the reverse could be true; if actively employing gestures when learning helps retain new information."
It turned out to have a more dramatic effect than Cook expected.
Read more
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Times Tables - a new way to learn them!
Halloween Crafts for Kids - two great new ideas

Saturday, September 15, 2007
Monarch Butterflies, Migration, Mexico and More!
Journey North for Kids
And if you feel like spending some more time looking at butterflies, you will find a collection of butterfly coloring pages and a butterfly mobile craft at Activity Village.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Bible Stories for Kids - fantastic new web resource!
We were fascinated by the "Time Travellers" section of the website, which gives plenty of historical background information on the period. There are also numerous printable puzzles and quizzes, coloring pages, posters, calendars and an excellent collection of worksheets to accompany each episode. Highly recommended.
Friends and Heroes
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Halloween Crafts for Kids - lots NEW!
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Polar Bears - very cute printables, new from Jan Brett
Polar bears information printable
Friday, September 7, 2007
Disneys© Meet The Robinsons activity book to download

Meet The Robinsons activity book
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Roald Dahl fans - design a book cover
More Roald Dahl activities at Activity Village
Halloween Printables
Halloween Printables
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Card Games for Kids!
Card Games for Kids
Moving With Children
It’s Official – Being A Mum Is Back-breaking!
Research into back pain both during and after pregnancy shows that more than 70 per cent of mums with children under two suffer from aches and pains. And over half of these suffer most when carrying their children in their arms.
The Wilkinet survey also shows that nearly all the mums (97%) love cuddling their children but nearly half can’t do so as often as they would like because of back ache.
Martin Grundy, a leading Osteopath from Whitley Bay, says that back ache is a natural result of pregnancy, when hormonal changes soften the joints, but that many of us make it far worse by the way we cuddle our children or carry them in slings not designed to support both baby and parent...
Article continued..
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Grandparents Day
"Nobody can do for little children what grandparents do. Grandparents sort of sprinkle stardust over the lives of little children."Alex Haley
Grandparents Day at Activity Village
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Yoga for Kids
We enjoyed this video on Yoga for Kids - hope you do too. Please remember not to let your kids browse video hosting websites unsupervised.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Movie reviews
Kids-In-Mind: Movie Ratings That Actually Work
It includes amazingly detailed reviews of many films, rating them for sex and nudity, violence and gore and profanity. (Check out the Ratings FAQ for detailed explanations of how these are assessed.) This can then help you determine whether the film is suitable for your children to watch. A very useful resource.
On-line drawing lessons
Jan Brett's videos
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Beanbag Games And Activities - fun ideas!
Blog Archive
- St Andrew's Day Crafts
- Printable Bookmarks for Christmas
- Advent Crafts - make your own advent calendars thi...
- Printable Christmas Cards - gorgeous!
- Christmas Cards to Print and Color
- Christmas Coloring Pages
- Hanukkah for Kids
- Food Coloring Pages
- Printable Lined Paper - all sorts!
- Happy Thanksgiving! New Thanksgiving printables...
- Circle of Smiles - watch with the kids..
- More Thanksgiving Crafts!
- Thanksgiving Printables and Coloring Pages
- New transport-themed coloring pages added
- Scarecrow puppet and more autumn crafts
- Origami Elephant - Video
- Origami Booklet - Video
- St Andrew's Day Fun For Kids
- Bonfire Night Fun, including some great new crafts!
- Halloween Crafts for Kids - more added!
- Another Halloween Video - Marshmallow Ghosts and G...
- Halloween Origami - video of Halloween cat and bro...
- Halloween Origami - mummies, witch's cats and broo...
- Marshmallow Ghosts and Ghouls - a fun snack for Ha...
- Fall crafts - have a printing and painting session!
- Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids
- Online fun with this newspaper page generator
- Halloween Lunch Box Notes - 16 to print and enjoy!
- For all mothers - a must-see video!
- Make A Cat Mask - for Halloween or anytime
- Fun printable toys from a Japanese site..
- Cute hedgehog craft
- Painted candle craft - messy but effective fun for...
- Tea Light Holder craft - quick and easy, but a gre...
- Diwali, the Hindu festival of lights, and some new...
- The Potato Story - (educational) fun for kids!
- The Potato Story - (educational) fun for kids!
- Halloween Links updated - a HUGE collection of fun...
- Halloween Project - Home-made tombstones!
- Littlest Pet Shop - games, printables and ecard fun
- Parenting Lessons Learned From a Piece of Pink Cake
- Dice Games for Kids
- A Most Important Word
- Blackberry picking and recipes!
- Hand Gestures Dramatically Improve Learning..
- Times Tables - a new way to learn them!
- Halloween Crafts for Kids - two great new ideas
- Monarch Butterflies, Migration, Mexico and More!
- Bible Stories for Kids - fantastic new web resource!
- Halloween Crafts for Kids - lots NEW!
- Polar Bears - very cute printables, new from Jan B...
- Disneys© Meet The Robinsons activity book to download
- Roald Dahl fans - design a book cover
- Halloween Printables
- Card Games for Kids!
- Moving With Children
- It’s Official – Being A Mum Is Back-breaking!