We have added to our very popular collection of "camouflage" animal coloring pages today. These coloring pages are great for older kids, who will enjoy the intricate designs and the little surprises they may find in the details!
Camouflage Animal Coloring Pages are here
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
New printable stationery
We have just added some new printable writing paper designs to the website: perfect for writing thank you notes in January!
Writing paper to print
Writing paper to print
November Newsletter out now!
Activity Village News for November is out now - you can read it here:
Activity Village News
Activity Village News
Monday, November 20, 2006
How Well Do You Know Your Child?
Do you think you really know your child? I don't mean know what he/she likes and doesn't like, but to know him/her well enough to understand his/her challenges, to appreciate his/her strengths and weaknesses and to help him/her develop his talents. Knowing your children can help increase their chance for success in the future and improve your relationship.
How Well Do You Know Your Child?
How Well Do You Know Your Child?
Friday, November 17, 2006
Good Deeds and the Santa Factor!
Looking back, it may seem a little like cheating, but my friend Annie found a way, several years ago, to instill in her young kids the habit of performing random acts of kindness. She didn't call them that at the time-this was before the phrase became popular-she called these acts "good deeds". And here's the kicker: her kids, young as they were, were tickled to learn the habit, becoming anxious and even competitive in finding ways to help others. And the habit has stuck with them, as they've grown into teenagers. They're two of the most compassionate, caring, helpful kids you'e ever imagine meeting.
How did Annie do it? By teaching them The Golden Rule? By finding a magic empathy elixir? By forcing them to watch endless reruns of Touched By An Angel? Nope-she accomplished this amazing feat through the clever and devious use of a terrifying threat guaranteed to chill the heart of any young child-if they didn't do it...
Read the rest of "Good Deeds and the Santa Factor" here
How did Annie do it? By teaching them The Golden Rule? By finding a magic empathy elixir? By forcing them to watch endless reruns of Touched By An Angel? Nope-she accomplished this amazing feat through the clever and devious use of a terrifying threat guaranteed to chill the heart of any young child-if they didn't do it...
Read the rest of "Good Deeds and the Santa Factor" here
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Monster coloring pages - really gorgeous!
There are monsters on the prowl at Activity Village! We have just added 10 delightful new coloring pages of some charming and quirky monsters which we are sure your children will love! We can imagine them colored in, cut out, laminated and displayed in bedrooms and classrooms .... and there are more to come soon.
Monster coloring pages
Monster coloring pages
Christmas Is Coming!
It is now only 39 days until Christmas, and if you are beginning to feel a little bit of Christmas spirit please pay a visit to our new website, www.ChristmasIsComing.co.uk. You will find Christmas crafts, a growing collection of free printable Christmas cards, Christmas stories, Christmas carols and songs, ideas for Christmas decorations, Christmas recipes - in fact everything you need to make Christmas special!
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Halloween Decorations That Won't Break The Bank
Try these ideas for affordable ways to turn your home into a haunted house at Halloween.
Halloween Decorations That Won't Break The Bank
Halloween Decorations That Won't Break The Bank
Halloween Snacks
There are some really gory recipes here for your Halloween enjoyment ... instead of the usual sandwiches at Halloween, why not surprise the kids with these spooky snacks!
Find Halloween Snacks here
Find Halloween Snacks here
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Free Halloween Games
Halloween is a great time to put a new twist on favorite games that are reliably fun but affordable to. These Halloween party games can be done for minimal cost and effort, or free with things that are commonly found right in your home.Free Halloween Games
Christmas Games Any Age Can Enjoy
Christmas is a time of getting together and having a great time with those family and friends of all ages that you love to be around. Here are two Christmas games of all ages to ensure that everyone’s bellies shake when they laugh like a bowl full of jelly.
Christmas Games Any Age Can Enjoy
Christmas Games Any Age Can Enjoy
Friday, October 13, 2006
More Sudoku for Kids
We are pleased to announced that we have 3 new printable booklets of Sudoku for sale for kids who are hooked on these addictive puzzles! After much consultation with teachers and parents, we have put together a booklet of 60 4x4 puzzles, another of 60 6x6 puzzles, and a third of 60 9x9 puzzles. Each book is graded very carefully so that the first puzzle is the easiest and then the puzzles get progressively - but very gradually - more difficult.
To make photocopying easier, there are 3 puzzles per page. Each page has a fun (black and white) illustration, and solutions to all the puzzles are included at the back of each booklet.
Booklets are in pdf format (like most of the printables at Activity Village) and are available for instant download when payment goes through. Priced at $5.25 or £2.99 per booklet, we know that your kids will enjoy these Sudoku puzzles, which have been created especially for them!
More Sudoku for Kids
To make photocopying easier, there are 3 puzzles per page. Each page has a fun (black and white) illustration, and solutions to all the puzzles are included at the back of each booklet.
Booklets are in pdf format (like most of the printables at Activity Village) and are available for instant download when payment goes through. Priced at $5.25 or £2.99 per booklet, we know that your kids will enjoy these Sudoku puzzles, which have been created especially for them!
More Sudoku for Kids
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Family Meal Times
I really enjoyed this video about family meal times and found it very inspiring!
The Family Dinner Video
The Family Dinner Video
Monday, October 2, 2006
Helping children cope with the death of a pet
The death of a pet can be a traumatic experience for the whole family. For a young child, it can also be confusing-it's often the first time a child must deal with such loss. In many cases, the pet has been with the family since before the child's birth, so he or she has grown up with the pet as a real part of the family. Children tend to relate to pets as playmates, so the loss, to a child, is often the loss of a best friend.
Helping children cope with the death of a pet
Helping children cope with the death of a pet
Pirate party ideas
Ahoy There Me Hearties – Ideas for A Pirate Party
By Jen O CarterThis is a theme party that kids will love and the costumes and invitations are really easy to create. It’s also easy with a few touches to transform your home into a dangerous pirate ship where unwelcome guests will be forced to walk the plank!
Pirate party ideas...
By Jen O CarterThis is a theme party that kids will love and the costumes and invitations are really easy to create. It’s also easy with a few touches to transform your home into a dangerous pirate ship where unwelcome guests will be forced to walk the plank!
Pirate party ideas...
The benefits of family meal planning
Are you ready to save some time, feed your family healthier meals and save some money along the way? These are just some of the benefits of family meal planning. Let’s look at all of them in a little more detail.
The benefits of family meal planning
The benefits of family meal planning
What to do when your toddler bites..
It can be incredibly upsetting and alarming you when your toddler bites. Not only are you shocked at your own child's behavior, but sometimes you will be dealing with another child's very angry parents too! Biting is dangerous and unacceptable, and you will have to meet the problem head-on and act quickly to prevent the problem getting worse. The following tips will give you some ideas of how to cope with your biting toddler:
What to do when your toddler bites..
What to do when your toddler bites..
How to keep your kids safe when trick or treating
Halloween is a holiday loved by kids everywhere. It’s a fun time to dress up like silly or scary characters and go trick-or-treating in the neighborhood. Be sure your kids are safe while trick-or-treating with these quick tips:
How to keep your kids safe when trick or treating
How to keep your kids safe when trick or treating
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
September Newsletter Now Online
The September Activity Village Newsletter is now online, with news of all updates to the site over the last month or so, articles, poems, activity ideas and more.
September Activity Village newsletter
September Activity Village newsletter
Nanny Cams
In times gone by, the term “nanny cam” referred to a small video camera clandestinely installed in an every day household object to secretly monitor the activities of the hired help inside the home. The images that the camera records from its secret position are then stored on a tape, which is located inside a VCR that may be located inside another room.
Read on to discover the pros and cons of using a nanny cam, as well as important security checks you should undertake before hiring a nanny or household help.
Nanny Cams
Read on to discover the pros and cons of using a nanny cam, as well as important security checks you should undertake before hiring a nanny or household help.
Nanny Cams
Wednesday, September 6, 2006
The Memory Project - helping children in India and Uganda
We have just come across The Memory Project - an unusual, and we think wonderful, way for children to get involved in helping kids who are less fortunate than themselves in India and Uganda.
There are three ways to get invovled:
1. Memory Portraits - in this program, highly skilled art students create portraits of children living in orphanages around the world. Given that these children who have been abandoned, neglected, abused or orphaned, have few keepsakes, the purpose of the portraits is to provide them with a special memory of their youth and help honour their heritage and identity. If you are an art teacher perhaps you could get your most talented students involved?
2. Books of Hope - in this program, students at all levels work together to create humorous, thoughtful and / or educational books as a way of reaching out to children experiencing extreme challenges. Student-made books are currently being sent to India (for children rescued from slavery and now striving to receive an education) and Uganda (for children who have experienced a brutal civil war). Perhaps your child's class could get involved?
3. Donate to the project
Please have a look at the Memory Project's website for more details.
There are three ways to get invovled:
1. Memory Portraits - in this program, highly skilled art students create portraits of children living in orphanages around the world. Given that these children who have been abandoned, neglected, abused or orphaned, have few keepsakes, the purpose of the portraits is to provide them with a special memory of their youth and help honour their heritage and identity. If you are an art teacher perhaps you could get your most talented students involved?
2. Books of Hope - in this program, students at all levels work together to create humorous, thoughtful and / or educational books as a way of reaching out to children experiencing extreme challenges. Student-made books are currently being sent to India (for children rescued from slavery and now striving to receive an education) and Uganda (for children who have experienced a brutal civil war). Perhaps your child's class could get involved?
3. Donate to the project
Please have a look at the Memory Project's website for more details.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Flashcard reoource - definitely one to check out!
I have just spent an hour looking through the wonderful flashcards provided at BogglesWorldESL and feel that there is something for everyone there! Although designed to be used in teaching English as a foreign language, there are dolch sight words, ABC flashcards with delightful pictures, cards teaching prepositions, verbs and so on. I also enjoyed the French and Spanish flashcards. Definitely worth a look!
Flash cards
Flash cards
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Super Farm, Picnic and Fishing Printable Activities
We have found some really super printables for kids here on three themes: the farm (complete with gorgeous animals and barn), a picnic (your kids will have fun deciding what food goes on the picnic plates) and fishing. Print them out and save them for a rainy day!
Farm, Picnic and Fishing printables
Farm, Picnic and Fishing printables
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Summer Flip Flops Craft
We are trying to convince ourselves that summer isn't over with this fun flip flop craft idea! Great for using up crafty bits and pieces that you will have lying around the house, you can adapt the craft to suit all ages of kids.
Summer Flip Flops Craft
More Origami for Kids
We've added many new origami models to the site in the brand new "Origami for Kids" section, including some really spooky ideas for Halloween (great fun for cards, invitations, decorations, party activities ...) and a collection of very cute animals. Get your kids a stack of origami paper and start folding!
Origami for Kids
Origami for Kids
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Coloring Pages of Masterpieces
There are some super coloring pages here based on masterpieces and sculptures - everything from Van Gogh's Starry Night to Donatello's St George. Great for older kids.
Coloring Pages of Masterpieces
Coloring Pages of Masterpieces
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Kids Halloween Parties
Door to door trick or treating may be a thing of the past, but Kids’ Halloween parties, done with imagination and creativity, can be an alternative not only every bit as much fun, but much safer than the door to door trick or treating you might have done in the past.
Kids Halloween Parties: No Tricks, Just Treats And Lots Of Fun Halloween Enjoyment
Kids Halloween Parties: No Tricks, Just Treats And Lots Of Fun Halloween Enjoyment
Origami for Kids
I have long been a fan of origami, and love sitting down to fold origami models with children. Now we are adding some of those origami creations to Activity Village, and hope to build up a really useful collection of inspiring projects to help you keep your kids busy! We are working on more projects every day, so please check back regularly to find out what is new. We have started with an origami sailing boat (perfect for beginners) and some very cute animals: a cat, a dog, a bunny and a penguin. Much more to come!
Origami for Kids
Origami for Kids
New Inspirational Posters to Print
We have added some new inspirational posters - featuring four of our favorite inspiring quotes and gorgeous photos - which we hope that parents and teachers will enjoy.
Posters to print
Posters to print
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Jokes for Kids - Huge Update!
Do your kids like jokes? Most do! Please head on over to the Kids Jokes section - which has had a huge update and revamp over the last week - to see what you can find to get them giggling!
Jokes for Kids
Jokes for Kids
American Sign Language Flashcards
We have just added some American Sign Language Flashcards to the website. Once learned, finger spelling in sign language is a useful skill for all children to have. It also allows children to appreciate how difficult it is for young deaf children to communicate when they can't do so verbally.
And learning finger spelling can be fun, too. You can make up all sorts of games which will not only reinforce your child's knowledge of sign language, but of real spelling too!
American Sign Language Flashcards
And learning finger spelling can be fun, too. You can make up all sorts of games which will not only reinforce your child's knowledge of sign language, but of real spelling too!
American Sign Language Flashcards
August Newsletter Out Now
The August newsletter is now online.
Please take a look to find out about the many changes and additions made to the website over the last few months!
Please take a look to find out about the many changes and additions made to the website over the last few months!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Kids and Vegetables - Some Ways To Encourage Your Kids To Eat Them!
Kids and vegetables don't seem to go together very easily! One common struggle that most mothers will face at some time or other is getting their kids to eat their veggies, as most kids will turn up their nose at the site of anything green. So how do you get around the veggie issue? Here are some fun and easy ways to get your kids to eat their veggies. Kids and Vegetables
Catch up with all our latest articles here
Catch up with all our latest articles here
Coloring Page Database - Massive Update Continues!
If your kids love coloring, please head on over to our Coloring Page Database, where we have been updating many of their favorite characters! Find all the best coloring pages without having to do the hard work yourself!
A Bug's Life coloring pages Lots NEW!
Alvin and the Chipmunks coloring pages Lots NEW!
Ancient Egypt coloring pages Lots NEW!
Ancient Rome coloring pages NEW!
Ancient Greece coloring pages NEW!
Angel coloring pages Lots NEW!
Archie comics Lots NEW!
Arthur coloring pages (Arthur and friends) Lots NEW!
Australia coloring pages Lots NEW!
Autumn coloring pages Lots NEW!
Back to school coloring pages Lots NEW!
Ballet coloring pages Lots NEW!
Banana in Pyjamas colouring pages Lots NEW!
Barbie Coloring Pages Lots NEW!
Barney Coloring Pages Lots NEW!
Baseball coloring pages Lots NEW!
Basketball coloring pages NEW!
Batman coloring pages Lots NEW!
Bear in the Big Blue House coloring pages Lots NEW!
Birthday coloring pages Lots NEW!
Blue's Clues coloring pages Lots NEW!
Bob the Builder colouring pages Lots NEW!
Care Bears coloring pages Lots NEW!
Castle coloring pages Lots NEW!
Find the complete Coloring Page Database here
A Bug's Life coloring pages Lots NEW!
Alvin and the Chipmunks coloring pages Lots NEW!
Ancient Egypt coloring pages Lots NEW!
Ancient Rome coloring pages NEW!
Ancient Greece coloring pages NEW!
Angel coloring pages Lots NEW!
Archie comics Lots NEW!
Arthur coloring pages (Arthur and friends) Lots NEW!
Australia coloring pages Lots NEW!
Autumn coloring pages Lots NEW!
Back to school coloring pages Lots NEW!
Ballet coloring pages Lots NEW!
Banana in Pyjamas colouring pages Lots NEW!
Barbie Coloring Pages Lots NEW!
Barney Coloring Pages Lots NEW!
Baseball coloring pages Lots NEW!
Basketball coloring pages NEW!
Batman coloring pages Lots NEW!
Bear in the Big Blue House coloring pages Lots NEW!
Birthday coloring pages Lots NEW!
Blue's Clues coloring pages Lots NEW!
Bob the Builder colouring pages Lots NEW!
Care Bears coloring pages Lots NEW!
Castle coloring pages Lots NEW!
Find the complete Coloring Page Database here
Two New "Back To School" Articles
Back to School Show And Tell
One thing you can count on during the first days of school is the inevitable question of "What did you do over the summer?" Here are a few creative ways to describe your summer experiences for the first edition of Show and Tell.
Creative Back to School Activity Ideas for Kids
A back to school activity is a creative way to welcome students back to school or celebrate the start of the new school year. As much as the kids enjoy summer vacation, they love to go back to school. Children love to see friends they haven’t seen all summer, meet new friends and get to know their new teacher.
See all recently added articles here
One thing you can count on during the first days of school is the inevitable question of "What did you do over the summer?" Here are a few creative ways to describe your summer experiences for the first edition of Show and Tell.
Creative Back to School Activity Ideas for Kids
A back to school activity is a creative way to welcome students back to school or celebrate the start of the new school year. As much as the kids enjoy summer vacation, they love to go back to school. Children love to see friends they haven’t seen all summer, meet new friends and get to know their new teacher.
See all recently added articles here
Saturday, August 5, 2006
Encouraging Reading
Encouraging your child to read a wide variety of books is probably the best education you can give them - but sometimes it seems an uphill struggle! We have put together a collection of tips and tricks to encourage reading which may give you some ideas, as well as pulling together a collection of printables which can make the process more fun.
Enouraging Reading..
Enouraging Reading..
Thursday, August 3, 2006
Avoiding Toddler Tantrums
The terrible twos … even the most dignified parent has been left red-faced and wanting to be swallowed into the ground while their toddler is having a public meltdown. Here are a few easy ideas for avoiding toddler tantrums...
Avoiding Toddler Tantrums
Wednesday, August 2, 2006
New Family Recipe Collection
We are beginning to add a collection of delicious, easy to prepare, family recipes at Activity Village. Head on over to Family Recipes to find recipes for Breakfast Bagel Casserole and Overnight French Toast, comforting Creamy Chicken Soup, Easy Mexican Enchiladas, and more tempting treats! We've started with 10 recipes but we will adding more regularly..
New Family Recipe Collection
New Family Recipe Collection
When Your Toddler Won't Share
If you’re the parent of a toddler I’m sure at some point you have been embarrassed by the refusal of your toddler to share his toys, and if you haven’t - beware… it’s bound to crop up in the not too distant future.
When Your Toddler Won't Share
When Your Toddler Won't Share
Air Travel With Kids - how to make it a little easier!
It’s fair to say that air travel with kids isn’t always easy. Even the shortest of flights can sometimes pose problems. However, there are a few things you can do to make your family’s air travel experience a little easier and definitely more enjoyable.
Air Travel With Kids
Air Travel With Kids
Saturday, July 29, 2006
Ollie Recycles - All about recycling for kids
Older kids can explore this site and learn all about recycling.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
New Dr Seuss themed activities!
We have just added a new page of activities to Activity Village on the theme of Dr Seuss. You will find a Dr Seuss biography, book list, puzzles, craft ideas, coloring pages and lots more. For everyone who loves The Cat In The Hat and other Dr Seuss favorites!
Dr Seuss theme
Dr Seuss theme
Top Ten Outside Toys for Kids Under Twelve
Playing outside in the summertime is fun, but many children can easily become bored without a few outdoor summer toys. If you are the parent of a child who is younger than twelve, you have a number of options when it comes to buying outdoor toys. Below is a list and small summary of ten of the most popular outside toys for children under the age of twelve...
Top Ten Outside Toys for Kids Under Twelve
Traveling with kids
"Are we there yet?"
"Mom, he's annoying me!"
"Are we there YET?"
"How much longer?"
"Aren't we THERE YET?"
It's phrases like these that drive fear into a parent's heart, and make you wonder why you ever thought taking a family vacation was going to be fun! So what is a parent to do? Traveling with kids doesn't have to be a bad experience. Instead of deciding to leave the kids home for the next "family" vacation, relax! You can make traveling with the kids an enjoyable and stress-free experience by following these simple tips:
Traveling with kids
"Mom, he's annoying me!"
"Are we there YET?"
"How much longer?"
"Aren't we THERE YET?"
It's phrases like these that drive fear into a parent's heart, and make you wonder why you ever thought taking a family vacation was going to be fun! So what is a parent to do? Traveling with kids doesn't have to be a bad experience. Instead of deciding to leave the kids home for the next "family" vacation, relax! You can make traveling with the kids an enjoyable and stress-free experience by following these simple tips:
Traveling with kids
Parties for Preschoolers
Are you considering throwing a party for your preschooler? Are you worried about the stress of having fifteen small children in your care? Do you fear facing a room of tired, over-stimulated, and crying toddlers a full hour before pickup time? Here's your guide for throwing a party for anyone five or under. It's surprisingly simple and you CAN do it without losing your mind!
Parties for Preschoolers
Parties for Preschoolers
Starting School
If your first child is about to start school this year you may be wondering who has more anxiety about it - you or your child. The first day of school is significant in so many ways; your child is growing up, you are not personally planning their days and you know, even if your child does not, that it is only the beginning of a long stretch of firsts...
Starting School
Starting School
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Summer Camps for Kids
Everything you need to know about summer camps, in one place! We are putting together a huge resource for parents thinking about sending their kids to summer camp - including information about choosing a summer camp, overnight summer camps, what to pack for summer camp, finding summer camp jobs, and more!
Summer Camps
Summer Camps
Saturday, June 17, 2006
Modern Dads Play A Vital Role In Kids' Lives
Modern Dads Play A Vital Role In Kids' Lives: A new generation of men are redefining fatherhood and masculinity.
According to census figures, one in four dads takes care of his preschooler during the time the mother is working. The number of children who are raised by a primary-care father is more than 2 million and rising. And fathers who work full time are more involved in their children's lives. According to the Families and Work Institute in New York City, dads now provide up to three-fourths of the child care mothers do, up from one-half 30 years ago.
Modern Dads
According to census figures, one in four dads takes care of his preschooler during the time the mother is working. The number of children who are raised by a primary-care father is more than 2 million and rising. And fathers who work full time are more involved in their children's lives. According to the Families and Work Institute in New York City, dads now provide up to three-fourths of the child care mothers do, up from one-half 30 years ago.
Modern Dads
Cultivating Creativity in Children
My husband, my eight-year-old son, and I were having lunch one day and when there was a lull in the conversation, my son looked up at us and, completely out of the blue says, "Do people get mad because they can't see their foreheads?" We both stopped eating and gave him a blank look.
Cultivating Creativity in Children
Cultivating Creativity in Children
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Mom Burnout
Mom Burnout: "Bouncing Back from Mom Burnout: Going Back to Basics to Recharge
Every mom needs to learn how to deal with the challenge of feeling stressed-out and overwhelmed at times. Life, work, kids, and our other relationships can add up to create a great deal of pressure, leading us to feel like something has to give. "
Read Mom Burnout here!
Every mom needs to learn how to deal with the challenge of feeling stressed-out and overwhelmed at times. Life, work, kids, and our other relationships can add up to create a great deal of pressure, leading us to feel like something has to give. "
Read Mom Burnout here!
Thursday, June 8, 2006
Father's Day Site To Visit With Your Kids
Visit UpToTen's Father's Day page with your little ones - they will have fun clicking and exploring and putting together some breakfast for Daddy!
Make breakfast for Daddy
Make breakfast for Daddy
Thursday, June 1, 2006
Find Out About Dogs
Do you like dogs? Do you have a dog? Are you thinking about getting a dog? If so, you might enjoy this new site, www.FindOutAboutDogs.com - which is packed full of information and resources for dog owners and dog lovers. You will also find Dog Quotes, Dog Poems, Dog Printables (including posters, bookmarks and greeting cards), Dog Coloring Pages, Dog Stories and much more!
www.FindOutAboutDogs.com is part of a trilogy of sites. The other two are www.FindOutAboutPuppies.com and www.FindOutAboutDogBreeds.com
www.FindOutAboutDogs.com is part of a trilogy of sites. The other two are www.FindOutAboutPuppies.com and www.FindOutAboutDogBreeds.com
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Watching TV is a Risk Factor for Childhood Obesity
A recent study shows with no doubt the close link between viewing unhealthy food advertisements on TV and overweight children. According to many reports watching television is the most engaging activity, except sleeping, for many kids...
Read the article here
Read the article here
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Free Coloring Pages for Kids
The big update of our coloring page database continues - and we now have literally thousands of coloring pages classified so that you can find them quickly when you need to keep your kids busy for a while!
Free Coloring Pages for Kids
Tag: Parenting
Free Coloring Pages for Kids
Tag: Parenting
Friday, May 26, 2006
Shyness and Showing Off
Shyness and Showing Off:
Kids' shyness and showing off have one thing in common. They are both behaviours that bring them a great deal of attention ...
Read this article here
Kids' shyness and showing off have one thing in common. They are both behaviours that bring them a great deal of attention ...
Read this article here
Sunday, May 21, 2006
Social Skills and Problem Solving
Social Skills: Social Skills and Problem Solving: A Coaching Method for Guiding Your Kids to Solve Problems Wisely
By Ellen Mossman-Glazer
When you want your kids to make better decisions, and especially teens and tweens, they are not going to change until they see that what they are currently doing is not helping them. To help them refashion their vision, you can be the catalyst without being the bad guy...
By Ellen Mossman-Glazer
When you want your kids to make better decisions, and especially teens and tweens, they are not going to change until they see that what they are currently doing is not helping them. To help them refashion their vision, you can be the catalyst without being the bad guy...
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Free Coloring Pages for Kids
Free Coloring Pages for Kids
We have lots going on at the Coloring Pages database at the moment ... new popular coloring page categories going up, old ones being updated!
Free Coloring Pages for Kids
We have lots going on at the Coloring Pages database at the moment ... new popular coloring page categories going up, old ones being updated!
Free Coloring Pages for Kids
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Links for girls
We have a huge new collection of links to printables, coloring pages, crafts, favorite character websites - everything specially designed to appeal to the little girls in your family!
Links for Girls
Links for Girls
Monday, May 8, 2006
Conflict Resolution for Kids
Conflict Resolution for Kids:
Teaching Your Kids Conflict Resolution
By Carrie Lauth
If you're like me, you want to teach your kids how to resolve their little conflicts by themselves. Tattling is inappropriate attention-seeking behavior, and the tattler is rarely 100% free of responsibility.
Unless someone is bleeding, coughing up a lung or otherwise in danger, the rule in my house is: no tattling. Besides, a parent could spend their entire day mitigating sibling skirmishes! While saving yourself time, you could be teaching them an invaluable life skill ...
Read this article here
Teaching Your Kids Conflict Resolution
By Carrie Lauth
If you're like me, you want to teach your kids how to resolve their little conflicts by themselves. Tattling is inappropriate attention-seeking behavior, and the tattler is rarely 100% free of responsibility.
Unless someone is bleeding, coughing up a lung or otherwise in danger, the rule in my house is: no tattling. Besides, a parent could spend their entire day mitigating sibling skirmishes! While saving yourself time, you could be teaching them an invaluable life skill ...
Read this article here
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Activity Village Newsletter May 2006
Activity Village Newsletter May 2006
The latest newsletter is now online, with news of all recent updates to Activity Village - including Russian language learning for kids, new learning games, quotes for teachers and lots of new teacher appreciation printables!
The latest newsletter is now online, with news of all recent updates to Activity Village - including Russian language learning for kids, new learning games, quotes for teachers and lots of new teacher appreciation printables!
Parents who don't know what children are for - Sunday Times - Times Online
Parents who don't know what children are for - Sunday Times "Parents who don't know what children are for" by Minette Marrin
In some parts of the animal kingdom, when times are harsh, adult creatures start having problems breeding. Mating patterns are interrupted and the animals either eat their young or spontaneously abort them or abandon them or don't have young at all. In the past few days it has begun to seem as if something like this is happening in the human species ...
In some parts of the animal kingdom, when times are harsh, adult creatures start having problems breeding. Mating patterns are interrupted and the animals either eat their young or spontaneously abort them or abandon them or don't have young at all. In the past few days it has begun to seem as if something like this is happening in the human species ...
Tuesday, May 2, 2006
Should we adjust our views on young children and the set? - Times 2 - Times Online
Should we adjust our views on young children and the set?
Pre-schoolers who watch TV fare slightly better at school, an American report claims, although other experts, both in the US and UK, still advocate a prudent approach. Read this article in The Times here.
Pre-schoolers who watch TV fare slightly better at school, an American report claims, although other experts, both in the US and UK, still advocate a prudent approach. Read this article in The Times here.
Sunday, April 30, 2006
Educational Games for children
Educational Games
Looking for ways to teach your children, while having fun? Have a look at Activity Village's Educational Games collection, which has some clever new game ideas as well as a review of the best learning games free online for kids. Find them here:
Educational Games for Kids
Looking for ways to teach your children, while having fun? Have a look at Activity Village's Educational Games collection, which has some clever new game ideas as well as a review of the best learning games free online for kids. Find them here:
Educational Games for Kids
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation
Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up in the US (May 7th to May 13th). Make sure that your child's teacher knows how much he/she is appreciated! We have lots of original suggestions on our Teacher Appreciation page!
Teacher Appreciation Week is coming up in the US (May 7th to May 13th). Make sure that your child's teacher knows how much he/she is appreciated! We have lots of original suggestions on our Teacher Appreciation page!
Card Games for Kids
Card Games for Kids
Fun With Cards!
by Dena Wood
Cards are easily accessible, portable and provide instant entertainment as well as allow for practice in social skills and good sportsmanship. Not only that, they're seldom viewed as "school" and can be a great diversion when that good ole' Spring Fever sets in! Why not play a game or two and get in some math skills practice at the same time? With a little creativity, most games can be adapted to meet your needs if they don't already exercise a skill you're working on....
Read the rest of this article here
Fun With Cards!
by Dena Wood
Cards are easily accessible, portable and provide instant entertainment as well as allow for practice in social skills and good sportsmanship. Not only that, they're seldom viewed as "school" and can be a great diversion when that good ole' Spring Fever sets in! Why not play a game or two and get in some math skills practice at the same time? With a little creativity, most games can be adapted to meet your needs if they don't already exercise a skill you're working on....
Read the rest of this article here
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Saturday, April 22, 2006
Kids Sports - Playing the Sporting Game
Kids Sports
Playing the Sporting Game by Chick Moorman
Springtime means Little League, soccer, and other sports as children head to the out-of-doors to join teams that that help then have fun, get exercise, and learn to work together with team mates. But are the results of joining a team always positive? Can’t the experience be embarrassing, shaming, or unrewarding?
Yes, playing on a team has the potential to be positive or negative, fun or frustrating, worthwhile or harmful. Parents, concerned about the effects of athletic programs on their children, need to be cognizant of several guidelines that will help their child have the best possible summer athletic experience.
Read the rest of this article
Playing the Sporting Game by Chick Moorman
Springtime means Little League, soccer, and other sports as children head to the out-of-doors to join teams that that help then have fun, get exercise, and learn to work together with team mates. But are the results of joining a team always positive? Can’t the experience be embarrassing, shaming, or unrewarding?
Yes, playing on a team has the potential to be positive or negative, fun or frustrating, worthwhile or harmful. Parents, concerned about the effects of athletic programs on their children, need to be cognizant of several guidelines that will help their child have the best possible summer athletic experience.
Read the rest of this article
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Homework - 5 tips to help you cope!
By Carol Boles
Homework! Every child has it, so there's no getting around it. Try these tips when dealing with this after school ritual.....
Read the homework tips here
By Carol Boles
Homework! Every child has it, so there's no getting around it. Try these tips when dealing with this after school ritual.....
Read the homework tips here
Do you have a gifted child?
Gifted Child
By Elaine Hook, Education Consultant, National Association for Gifted Children
'I don't want to appear pushy'
'I don't know where to start'
'I hope you can help me'
'I just want my child to be happy'
'I need some advice'
'I am so worried about my child'
'I don't know how to approach the school'
'My child is different, always has been'
'I just want the best for my child'
'I don't know what to do for my child'
'I don't want my child to be a statistic'
'I wish my child enjoyed school'
These are just a few of the opening statements I receive on the NAGC Helpline every time I take a call. Most callers, whether it be parents of professionals, are concerned and worried for the well being of the child in question and genuinely do not know where to begin. Though often amazed and shocked to be blessed with a child termed "gifted" they are also sensitive to the fact that they have particular needs and require help and advice on how to support and cater for their child's particular needs in practical terms."
Read the rest of this article
By Elaine Hook, Education Consultant, National Association for Gifted Children
'I don't want to appear pushy'
'I don't know where to start'
'I hope you can help me'
'I just want my child to be happy'
'I need some advice'
'I am so worried about my child'
'I don't know how to approach the school'
'My child is different, always has been'
'I just want the best for my child'
'I don't know what to do for my child'
'I don't want my child to be a statistic'
'I wish my child enjoyed school'
These are just a few of the opening statements I receive on the NAGC Helpline every time I take a call. Most callers, whether it be parents of professionals, are concerned and worried for the well being of the child in question and genuinely do not know where to begin. Though often amazed and shocked to be blessed with a child termed "gifted" they are also sensitive to the fact that they have particular needs and require help and advice on how to support and cater for their child's particular needs in practical terms."
Read the rest of this article
Science Experiments for Kids
We have just put together a new page at Activity Village full of fun science experiments for kids - all of which can be done at home with things you have lying around the house or are easily bought on your weekly shopping trip. These are great fun and well worth a look!
Science Experiments for Kids
Science Experiments for Kids
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
New Toys for 2006
New Toys for 2006
By Jason Hahn
At the most recent Toy Fair in New York City, toy manufacturers got the chance to display and show off their newest goodies to retailers. Below are some of the toys that were debuted.
- Nerf Showtime Hoops: This Hasbro creation features an electronic basketball hoop system with a ball that bounces off of the backboard, but is just soft enough to prevent breaking a window. This toy was developed with And1, a popular basketball brand. The hoop goes up to 6 feet and 7 inches, and features the interactive voice of And1�s emcee �Duke Tango.� The hoop also comes with built-in speakers, jacks for portable music players, cup holders, drink dispenser, scoreboard, and a spotlight that shows the child where to stand. [$250]
- My Furreal Friends Pony: Hasbro also created an animated pony with sensors that will respond to touch, sound, and light. Children can climb on the pony�s back to go for a ride, while the toy makes galloping sounds. If its mane is brushed, the pony will neigh. If the pony�s name is called out, the toy will turn its head towards the sound of the voice. [$300]
- Play-Doh: In light of Play-Doh�s 50th birthday, Hasbro has introduced a birthday cake-shaped pack of 50 Play-Doh colors, featuring six new colors. [$13]
- Moon Sand: Spin Master introduces a new rival to Play-Doh with its Moon Sand, a sand-like substance that can be molded into shapes just like regular dough. But the key difference here is that Moon Sand will never dry when it is left out and can be molded again after it is left alone for a period of time. [$5-20]
- Digital Spy Camera: Wild Planet has come out with a pair of shades for kids who aspire to become spies. These sunglasses can take up to 20 photos with a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels with its retractable camera. [$35]
- Air Hogs Hydro Freak: This is a remote-controlled vehicle that can drive on the ground, coast above water, or fly into the air, created by Spin Master. [$100]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Hahn
By Jason Hahn
At the most recent Toy Fair in New York City, toy manufacturers got the chance to display and show off their newest goodies to retailers. Below are some of the toys that were debuted.
- Nerf Showtime Hoops: This Hasbro creation features an electronic basketball hoop system with a ball that bounces off of the backboard, but is just soft enough to prevent breaking a window. This toy was developed with And1, a popular basketball brand. The hoop goes up to 6 feet and 7 inches, and features the interactive voice of And1�s emcee �Duke Tango.� The hoop also comes with built-in speakers, jacks for portable music players, cup holders, drink dispenser, scoreboard, and a spotlight that shows the child where to stand. [$250]
- My Furreal Friends Pony: Hasbro also created an animated pony with sensors that will respond to touch, sound, and light. Children can climb on the pony�s back to go for a ride, while the toy makes galloping sounds. If its mane is brushed, the pony will neigh. If the pony�s name is called out, the toy will turn its head towards the sound of the voice. [$300]
- Play-Doh: In light of Play-Doh�s 50th birthday, Hasbro has introduced a birthday cake-shaped pack of 50 Play-Doh colors, featuring six new colors. [$13]
- Moon Sand: Spin Master introduces a new rival to Play-Doh with its Moon Sand, a sand-like substance that can be molded into shapes just like regular dough. But the key difference here is that Moon Sand will never dry when it is left out and can be molded again after it is left alone for a period of time. [$5-20]
- Digital Spy Camera: Wild Planet has come out with a pair of shades for kids who aspire to become spies. These sunglasses can take up to 20 photos with a resolution of 640 x 480 pixels with its retractable camera. [$35]
- Air Hogs Hydro Freak: This is a remote-controlled vehicle that can drive on the ground, coast above water, or fly into the air, created by Spin Master. [$100]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Jason_Hahn
Wednesday, April 5, 2006
The Rebel Housewife - Recommended Blog
"The Rebel Housewife is Time-out for Moms! Our mission is to entertain, inform, commiserate, and provide a much-needed outlet and diversion for Rebel Housewives everywhere with The Rebel Housewife column, reviews, ezine, books and other resources: grown-up interaction, community, support, entertainment, and lots of laughter."
The Rebel Housewife
The Rebel Housewife
Thursday, March 16, 2006
New Animal Coloring Pages
New Animal Coloring Pages - Perfect for Older Kids
This super animal coloring pages are a little bit hippy, a little bit exciting - certainly something special for older children. Each animal is camouflaged with a selection of pictures and patterns, and if you look carefully you might find some hidden surprises!
We will be adding more to this series over the next few weeks, so check back soon!
This super animal coloring pages are a little bit hippy, a little bit exciting - certainly something special for older children. Each animal is camouflaged with a selection of pictures and patterns, and if you look carefully you might find some hidden surprises!
We will be adding more to this series over the next few weeks, so check back soon!
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Felicity Wishes
* Felicity Wishes *
Little girls can have fun with their favourite fairies at the Felicity Wishes website. There are Felicity Wishes colouring pages and a maze to print out, a magic wand craft to make, an online map to explore and much more! The website is of course satisfyingly pink and pretty! Our only criticism is the rather annoying music ... but you can turn it down (or off) by sliding the control at the top right hand side of the page.
Little girls can have fun with their favourite fairies at the Felicity Wishes website. There are Felicity Wishes colouring pages and a maze to print out, a magic wand craft to make, an online map to explore and much more! The website is of course satisfyingly pink and pretty! Our only criticism is the rather annoying music ... but you can turn it down (or off) by sliding the control at the top right hand side of the page.
Monday, March 13, 2006
Mother's Day for Kids
Mother's Day for Kids
We have just added a new set of jigsaws to our Mother's Day pages. These jigsaws are great fun for all ages (we have provided a range to sizes so that everyone can have a go) and can be played directly on your computer or downloaded for later.
There are lots of great ideas for Mother's Day crafts too!
We have just added a new set of jigsaws to our Mother's Day pages. These jigsaws are great fun for all ages (we have provided a range to sizes so that everyone can have a go) and can be played directly on your computer or downloaded for later.
There are lots of great ideas for Mother's Day crafts too!
Sunday, March 12, 2006
St Patrick's Day for Kids
St Patrick's Day for Kids
We have just added 6 gorgeous new Saint Patrick's Day jigsaws for you to enjoy with your kids! Play them immediately on your computer or download them to play later.
We have also updated the Saint Patrick's Day Links section to include some pretty new Saint Patrick's Day printables and some new pages full of activity ideas for pre-school, daycare, or home. Great fun!
We have just added 6 gorgeous new Saint Patrick's Day jigsaws for you to enjoy with your kids! Play them immediately on your computer or download them to play later.
We have also updated the Saint Patrick's Day Links section to include some pretty new Saint Patrick's Day printables and some new pages full of activity ideas for pre-school, daycare, or home. Great fun!
Friday, March 3, 2006
Coloring Pages
Have your kids done any coloring recently? We have a huge collection of charming and original coloring pages at Activity Village, as well as a growing database of coloring pictures at other sites!
Have your kids done any coloring recently? We have a huge collection of charming and original coloring pages at Activity Village, as well as a growing database of coloring pictures at other sites!
Thursday, February 23, 2006
Coloring Pages Website - Coloring Pages, Dot to Dot and Free Kids Drawings
Free Coloring Pages
This is a really super new site with some fun, original coloring pages - both to print and color online. Dot to dots coming soon too.
This is a really super new site with some fun, original coloring pages - both to print and color online. Dot to dots coming soon too.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Winter Olympics for Kids
Winter Olympics for Kids
All NEW! Enjoy our new Winter Olympics page, full of activities for you to enjoy with your children themed around the Winter Olympics.
All NEW! Enjoy our new Winter Olympics page, full of activities for you to enjoy with your children themed around the Winter Olympics.
Friday, February 10, 2006
St David's Day for Kids
St David's Day for Kids
Have fun with our huge new collection of St David's Day activities - jigsaws, colouring pages, crafts, recipes, learning activities and much more which you can do with your children to celebrate St David's Day or learn about Wales and Welsh customs.
Have fun with our huge new collection of St David's Day activities - jigsaws, colouring pages, crafts, recipes, learning activities and much more which you can do with your children to celebrate St David's Day or learn about Wales and Welsh customs.
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Valentines Day Jigsaws
Valentines Day Jigsaws
We have added some gorgeous new Valentine's Day Jigsaws to enjoy with your kids, in sizes ranging from 6 pieces to 40 pieces so that all ages can join in! Download them to your own computer if you wish, or transfer them to a CD-Rom to play later. The puzzles make a fun Valentine's Day gift or even a classroom activity. Happy Valentine's Day!
We have added some gorgeous new Valentine's Day Jigsaws to enjoy with your kids, in sizes ranging from 6 pieces to 40 pieces so that all ages can join in! Download them to your own computer if you wish, or transfer them to a CD-Rom to play later. The puzzles make a fun Valentine's Day gift or even a classroom activity. Happy Valentine's Day!
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Valentine's Day is coming!
Valentine's Day
Don't forget to check out our huge collection of Valentine's Day activities for kids - including Valentine cards to print (or print and colour), Valentine's Day crafts, Valentine's Day jigsaws, puzzles, word searches, jokes, coloring pages, and games. And if you can't find what you need at Activity Village, you should find it on our Valentine's Day Links page, which has a huge collection of carefully chosen activities which your kids will love!
Don't forget to check out our huge collection of Valentine's Day activities for kids - including Valentine cards to print (or print and colour), Valentine's Day crafts, Valentine's Day jigsaws, puzzles, word searches, jokes, coloring pages, and games. And if you can't find what you need at Activity Village, you should find it on our Valentine's Day Links page, which has a huge collection of carefully chosen activities which your kids will love!
Thursday, January 5, 2006
Family Meals - Better For Children, Easier For You
Family Meals - Better for Children, Easier for You
Another day, another dinner to prepare. Are you having a difficult time finding easy to prepare meals that can satisfy your growing family?
You want to give your family the best, but time is in short supply and preparing a healthy meal has become a chore. Too often take out or frozen dinners have to do. Is there a way to combine healthy eating with convenience?
Read the rest of the article here
Another day, another dinner to prepare. Are you having a difficult time finding easy to prepare meals that can satisfy your growing family?
You want to give your family the best, but time is in short supply and preparing a healthy meal has become a chore. Too often take out or frozen dinners have to do. Is there a way to combine healthy eating with convenience?
Read the rest of the article here
Monday, January 2, 2006
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a wonderful holiday to explore with your children - colorful, cheerful, and full of interesting rituals which you can use as an excuse to learn all about China and Chinese culture in the process.
Today we have added some new Chinese New Year activities to Activity Village. As well as the jigsaws added earlier this week, we have a new Year of the Dog coloring page, a Chinese Character Number Poster, and some Chinese character cards which have numerous uses - for games, learning activities, decorations, Chinese New Year cards, and much more!
We have also updated out Chinese New Year links to include lots of information about the Year of the Dog and some fun new activity ideas (including dog origami and papercraft models, new Chinese New Year printables for the classroom, and Chinese horoscopes for the year ahead).
Chinese New Year is a wonderful holiday to explore with your children - colorful, cheerful, and full of interesting rituals which you can use as an excuse to learn all about China and Chinese culture in the process.
Today we have added some new Chinese New Year activities to Activity Village. As well as the jigsaws added earlier this week, we have a new Year of the Dog coloring page, a Chinese Character Number Poster, and some Chinese character cards which have numerous uses - for games, learning activities, decorations, Chinese New Year cards, and much more!
We have also updated out Chinese New Year links to include lots of information about the Year of the Dog and some fun new activity ideas (including dog origami and papercraft models, new Chinese New Year printables for the classroom, and Chinese horoscopes for the year ahead).
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- The benefits of family meal planning
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- Flashcard reoource - definitely one to check out!
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- Watching TV is a Risk Factor for Childhood Obesity
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- Free Coloring Pages for Kids
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